Monday, May 14, 2007

Hey peeps...have y'all checked out The Phantom of the Opera?the movie and the play?it totally rockz my sockz!!!i mean emmy rockz my be sure to at least catch the movie!
Main Actors:
Phantom:Gerald Butler(or sumthing)
Christine:Emmy Rossum
Raoul:Patrick Wilson
Keep on rockin'!
Lurv ya!
Peace out!
© Copyrighted at 5/14/2007 03:05:00 PM
Friday, May 11, 2007
Hey Y'all its miley jr NOT i repeat NOT Miley cyrus so dont take me as a poser kayz?anywayz...more about my bestie and i who are creating this blog...well, First thang is that(this is def. a fact!) : i so Lurv Lurv Lurv Miley Cyrus and im lyk soo her no1. fan...and my bestie is soooo Fahrenheit's no.1 fan...their lyk so hot....(i think?i mean for desty)she'll be posting sometimes too...cuz we kinda own this blog together.....oh yeah....and check out Amy Diamond's what's on it for rockz my sockx!
Keep On Rockin'!
Lurv Ya!
Peace Out,

© Copyrighted at 5/11/2007 05:15:00 PM