Sunday, August 26, 2007
© Copyrighted at 8/26/2007 08:23:00 PM
Monday, August 13, 2007 happy! Yx gave me a pic of Eelyn!!!WootZ!btw, got this pic of Eelyn, Elvin and Jesseca! Not i take one...:D haha.only Elvin smart enuff to look at the camera...hee...jkjk...sum1 else was probably takin a pic of them too...not true the rest not smart okay?Eelyn major in alot of stuff okay? and Jess got zi ge to get fm Malaysia productions to Singapore can say that they kinda got the brains and "brawn".:D
© Copyrighted at 8/13/2007 10:03:00 PM
Monday, August 6, 2007

Hey...long time no rite liao...anywayz...gotta new doggy!de name's Latte! my com cant load his pic(Yes...Its a HE)! smiles..!Lol...and oh yeah...I have a sorta lyk a new "creation"...Its a biscuit coated with peanut butter and milo rawks!!!lolz...too much of it and i'll get FAT!~OoHh~ chills...hee...
btw....i saw Eelyn the other day before eating at Lemon Grass...i saw her in a car...with a GUY! lolz...i think its her bro or juz her fren tho...a girl abt 12-13 and her mom went inside her car too...i jumped when i saw her...was kinda screaming like a craziie fan...first time i see one of my idols okay?natural reaction...nth to laff abt....lolx...:D
If y'all have been updated abt Campus Superstar, juz ta letcha noe, Shawn rawkx! lolz...其实是木乃伊by林俊杰that rocks awesomely...he's duet with Zhi Yang's nice...(this is a comment i want to post on YouTube but cant becuz of the fact that i cant sign in thru my accnt!)Zhi yang actually sang high not becuz he din noe the pitch but its bcuz when u sing a duet, one's pitch must be high while the other must be since shawn sang lower, Zhi Yang has to sing higher:)
For Eelyn fans out there, i think she'll be appearing at Compass Point on de 19th of august,1 week after her b'day and 3daex b4 mine!!!yippee...that'll be my purrr-fect birthdae prezzie!it'll be "perfecter" if Jess and Elvin were there!:D:Dmust watch Shou Zu todae ah...Yingjun(Elvin) did a VERY EXTREMELY SWEET and TOUCHING thing for Yusheng(Jesseca)...Don't forget to check out the Kinship main website...Miss Tres Chic is really nice...she answers to ur question and posts lotsa stuff abt Shou Zu...get updated...go to Shou Zu web!
Yeow!my dog juz hurt his tail...some of the fur from his tail were plucked out when he was sitting under the chair and i accidentally move the chair backwards...Youch!!!=(but de doggy very 乖...he only yelp when he's fur was plucked...he didnt start barking...:D:D:D Good Doggy!
Links: Mu Nai Yi by JJ
By Shawn:
Shou Zu Webby:
© Copyrighted at 8/06/2007 05:02:00 PM