Monday, October 8, 2007

Feel like crying again at the thought that i'll be leaving the school
.Its end of PSLE so its practically actually the end of school for all the P6s and I.The end of the road for us P6s le.Bon Voyage! haha.我太夸张了吧!哈哈!因为还有1个月半才正正地会离开母校。我会想念你们老师哦!如果有什么PARTY或什么特别节目的话,我一定会请你们来!!!Actually there is! So you are invited forever! haha.Will be upset if you gals dont attend ah:)So its end of PSLE today and im rocking the time out man! haha.
Munching on chips, clicking and tapping away on the computer, chewing on gummy bears,leaving all sorts of junk on my table and tearing all my text books and worksheets!Just Joking!:P Realised that half of what i've mentioned involves eating? haha. Im such a greedy pok.i dont grow fat there's nothing to worry about! YAY! 惠雯也和我一样贪吃,所以不能怪我只有一个人很贪吃okay?:)
I went psycho after PSLE just now, was doing some sort of News Reporting with the mini umbrella as my mike.But oops! Just then my form teacher Mrs Tay stepped out eh. It was a moment of embarrassment.I prefer not to talk about it at this moment=.='''hehe. Yay once again! Because the teachers are going to give us a treat by bringing us to the MOVIES! Yippee! So glad! Thanks teachers! Love all of you forever!:)Will never forget the peace of your kindness and the warmth of your teacherly love!:D
With Love to the Fairfield Primary Teachers:)
© Copyrighted at 10/08/2007 06:17:00 PM
Friday, October 5, 2007
© Copyrighted at 10/05/2007 08:13:00 PM