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Sunday, November 25, 2007
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() hey peeps...so glad! ytd went to ice skating rink at jurong entertainment centre...nth really special right? but felicia chin went! tt brightens and spices up everything! she could skate a little but for newbies like me..it was alreadii awesome enuff...then there was this one part where felicia jie jie went with nat... then she skate to the last part that time hor, she fell ad NAT LITERALLY FELL ON HER! then derr crowd went all OOHH and AHH! i was there whooing away.hahas....so pei ehh.but nat and joanne jie jie like more pei lor...nat kor kor verii poor thing ehh...all his fans go to fel's side instead...then when ii asked him,"nat, wahh, all ur fans ehh? how come not crowding around euü?"then he gave me the im so hurt look (fake one) then he told me that they all ran to fel...i laffed..ALOT!he smiled.. he's really sweet in real life la..but a bit more tan than on tv:P much better looking in person...felicia oso prettier in person...but i gotta admit that my youngest aunt LOOKS EXACTLY like her! yay! but i dont inherit her looks though..abit oni..last time my "family hairdresser"say we look alike...NOT! at least i dont find it...anywaes...these pix were taken from the ytd..:)) enjoy! xoxo.jestellynn.outiie
© Copyrighted at 11/25/2007 01:59:00 PM
Thursday, November 22, 2007
ellos people! got my results back ler...curerently in amanda aunt's hyouse babysitting her cousin...hehe..so cute..drinking Yakult now..cause they dont have vitagen..Fel jie jie say if euu drink Vitagen, u'll have really good complexion:)) hahas...back to my results..wehhh! so sad got 248 onii...so bad! wanna get 250 and above ehh! expected to get A* for chinese but onii got a miserble A; probably because my oral pulled me down lorrs..so sad..but can get into express crescent tho.. but on the bright side, i got an A for my math..for those geniuses out there, i know an A very easy to get for euu..but very nan de for me ok...especially during P6..lols...i thought i'll like get a B orhh..so tough..mayb because the T score drop fm last year la..oh well...friends did pretty well too, most unexpected was that aristotle DIDNT get 250 or above hahas sadist:P parents and teachers were happi..but im not! hahas..i cried...crybaby right:P i think i think too highly of myself ler..chen lao shi hug me..AGAIN~! hahas...she very nice lor...TAHNK YEW~! to Mrs Tay, Chen Lao Shi and Ms Tan..btw, Ms Tan, euu havent send me the pic yet..so long alrdy ehh... highest was Chloe..she gotta 258..10 marks higher than me ehh! no fair...hahas....hope she can go crescent with me...de highest is Joan she got 278..20 marks higher then me...hmm...the number 8 very common hor..anywaes, mangaed to beat Jonathon Kwan by 1mark..whee..hahas...even Rbin beat Aristotle..his bestie..oh well....i hope SHE scored well.. wonder how much j got...heh heh...to 6C pupils..j is NOT who ur thinking of...yx, yf and jing probably know who im talking abt la...the person GOOD class ehh...haahs.. okies..gtg ler..bb! xoxojestellynn.outiie
© Copyrighted at 11/22/2007 04:12:00 PM
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Heys people! So excited yet anxious cause tmr's the day their releasing our PSLE results ler! Hope i do well!:) heh heh...still missing the fairfield people now..haiis...i feel rejected and glad at de same time..very mao dunn but its real..maybe its because i left school not making friends with the "cool"people? one reason maybe...but maybe the real reason is because i didnt have the courage to stand on stage during Graduation Night. To add on, its the last time i wld have the chance to perform in front of my friends and teachers..oh well..whats past is over..no reason to keep o pondering over it. 2 mnth liiaox, but Eelyn and Felicia jie jies nvr reply me yet.Kept in suspense on their reply.ahhh! hahas...i hate suspense...and being misunderstood...like Tavia..we cry alike too..when we cry, we literally cry our hearts out...like this: WWWWWWAAAAHHHHH!!!I REEAALLYY DIDDNNTT DDO ITT!WHY ARE EUU BLAMMINNG ME?!? hahas..so kua zhang...but that happens when we're really sad of course..guess its our nature:)) Still trying out how to download videos into my mp4..i've spent like 2hrs on it and still cant get it in...the instruction bklet wrote that oni avi and mjps format videos can be put inside...i've changed de format ler.but still unsuccessful ehhh...hahas..im such a loser:P As euu can see, i've changed my blogskin again.Kinship! thats because my no.1 tv drama is coming soon! must watch..17th december 2007 dontt forget!hehe...Am currently making my first video to upload on youtube..whats the topic? Eelyn la of course..hahas..so obvious right:)) there this really funny part where she laffs and then vanishes...still saving it; will take awhile..but rest assured...i'll definitely post the URL here:)) xoxo.jestellynn.outiie uploading percent: 60percent.....
© Copyrighted at 11/21/2007 09:49:00 PM
Sunday, November 18, 2007
![]() heys here's a pic of chen lao shi and her daughter:))so cute eh Eva :))so sad ehh...we p6s are all leaving each other lerr...i miss them and the teachers too! Mrs Tay for her kindness, chen lao shi for her spunkiness and Ms Tan for her uniqueness...They're each individual character really brightens up the classroom...i also would like to say a big thanks to the pupils in my class for being my friends and supporting me thru thick and thin times...even though we werent that close at the end of the year, i believe that our "clangs" has its own opinion on others so as to like keep within their own group...oh well...i guess i have my own grp of gals too right?hahahaha....Thanks for encouraging me when i was down and entertaining me when i was bored...marjorie, i nvr really knew euu too well but i know that within that jumpy attitude of euu, there's a very demure and feminine person..hehe.okays...gtg lerr! bb! xoxo.fiona~jestellynn.outiie
© Copyrighted at 11/18/2007 03:50:00 PM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Hellos:)) Kinda sad yet kinda happy.happy to write this post, sad abt the situation today.haiis.the gurls in my class cried today.onii one reason, WE MISS EACH OTHER! wehhh!lols..i nvr cry lah...but still very sad...smtimes, when im sad, i wont cry it out but keep it inside, while sometimes, its just that i cant cry it out.The pain is too agonising to show.I figured that if you cry out, it'll affect others more than you.So, i decided to control and just tell someone abt it.the person, (who is really reliable) was funny.hahas...who else? Chen Lao Shi lorrhs...she ahh.. She told me that if we wanna cry, wait til friday then cry.aiyohh..i mean she should console us not tell us to cry on a diff day ehh..hahas..i find that amusing lorrh...yay! she bringing her kid, Eva, to Graduation night.She's soo cute lehh! i saw her on chen lao shi's wallpaper b4:)) She was wearing a Disney Princess shirt.heh-heh. Anywaes, if ya'll watch the current 9oclock show, it's so touching yet cruel! Shaun Chen's acting is superb!hahas...first he was so romantic, so controlled, then after he gave up music for his family, he went psycho.Kinda bankrupt too, had to become a waiter.Pity him.The song he made for Ivy Lee at first was really sweet and melodioc, or however its spelled.Well, from this we can gather up something, giving up ur beloved music will make you CRAZY! hahas..im w-e-i-r-d...lols...just found out smthing, in the cantonese Police Academy show, Tavia sorta had a passiontate kiss with Ron Ng..their not very peii lahh, but Ron is my fav male hong kong actor, and Tavia Yeung is my fav female actress..so its GREAT news for me...yeahhh!!!!!:))heh-heh... okies, gtg lerrhs, bb! xoxo.~jestellynn~.outiie
© Copyrighted at 11/14/2007 09:45:00 PM
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
![]() CHINESE NAME: Yeung Yi DATE OF BIRTH: August 30, 1979 HEIGHT: 5' 6" WEIGHT: 106 lbs. MEASUREMENTS: 31" 24" 34" PLACE OF BIRTH: China LANGUAGES: Cantonese, Mandarin FAMILY MEMBERS: Parents, and elder sister EDUCATION: 中五/F5 (Gr. 12 Equivalent in North America) LOVE INTEREST: None at the moment WISHES: To have great acting skills CAREER ROUTE: TVB 13th Acting Academy - Series she's been in:DRAMASHeart of Greed - (2007)Dicey Business - (2006)Land of Wealth - (2006)Face to Fate - (2006)A Pillow Case of Mystery - (2006)Yummy Yummy - (2005) The Academy - (2005)The Prince's Shadow - (2005)Twin of Brothers - (2004) Vigilante in the Mask - (2003)Find The Light - (2003) The 'W' Files - (2003)Vigilante Force - (2003)Golden Faith - (2002) Eternal Happiness - (2002) Whatever It Takes - (2002) The Awakening Story - (2001) Broadcast Life - FM701 (2000 - 2001) Heaven Sword Dragon Sabre (2000)Street Fighters - (2000) Return of the Cuckoo - (2000) War of the Genders -(2000) Green Hope - (2000) Crimson Sabre - (2000) The Legend of Lady Yang - (2000) Lost in Love - (2000) A Taste of Love - (2000) When Dreams Come True - (2000) The Heaven Sword & Dragon Sabre - (1999) Kindred Spirit - (1999) Game of Deceit - (1999) Ultra Protection - (1999)Detective Investigation Files 4 - (1999) DRAMAS UNRELEASED OR CURRENTLY FILMINGOn The First Beat (2007)Trouble Daddy (2007)In The Theme Of Magic (2007)Sites - http://tav-ya.cjb.net/http://rontaviaforever.cjb.net/ http://www.taviayeung.hk.st Heys..i really like this blogskin cause the melod y that comes along with it reminds me of the cantonese show i watched..With Tavia in it! come to think of it, i never post Tavia's picture before hor?heh-heh...i guess i'll post it now lerrhs:)) xoxo.jestellynnforever.outiie:))
© Copyrighted at 11/13/2007 10:09:00 PM
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Heys guys,b have changed my blogskin, like it?:) i've changed my blog address too because i figured that someone is messing around with the blog addresses of felicia's fans.I really hope they'll stop it lorrsh..its really annoying and childish..haiis..Anyways, on the bright side, next week is Graduation Week! Whoo! that means that there will be Graduation night as well. im having a slight sore throat now, so still hesitating about whether i should take part in the Individual section.My grp didnt get into the audition so might as well put up a little performance for the teachers myself:) Hope they'll enjoy it!(If i recover then la) Wish me luck! Sometimes joy brings around sadness as well right? im really glad that its the last week. yet sad abt it too.alota P6s i knw wrote on their blogs that now very xiian to go school hor? thats kinda right, but we have to treasure the remaining 5 days left in the school lers, and mayb jot down the happiness in primary sch cause like the song "Grauduation(friends forever)", --->I keep thinking times will never change. Keep on thinking things will always be the same, But when we leave thiyear we won't be coming back, No more hanging out cause we're on a different track. And if you got something that you need to say, You better say it right now cause you don't have another day. Yeah..so the time we have left very precious.haiis. wanna say a really big shout out," I LOVE FAIRFIELD!!!:), AND NO MATTER WHAT, WE, FAIRSIANS SHALL STICK TOGETHER AND I KEEP IN CONTACT!"hahas...dont forget my number ah! 9******* hahas..i wont reveal it..too personal liiaos..:)okies..gtg..bb! xoxo.jestellynn.outiie(:
© Copyrighted at 11/11/2007 03:41:00 PM
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Heys:) i came across this really sweet poem and i thought mayb i'll share it with you guys:) All anticipation will end in emptiness. All searching will end with questions. All day long, I loiter at a corner of a bustling town. Collecting love stories of all kinds. With a tiny pair of tailoring scissors I begin to trim off the sad endings. I find it really meaningful:) xoxo.jestellynn.outiie
© Copyrighted at 11/10/2007 10:47:00 AM
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
![]() Heys...Have not blogged in a really long time.Anyways, i've met felicia chin( panda mama) twice within the time i have i not blogged.She's really nice and sweet.She deserves to win Best Actress along with Joanne Peh.Even though i dont know Joanne jie jie that well, i believe that she really has potential in acting lorsh.Her acting very natural.BIG news, Felicia jie jie hug ME! hahas.Because we posing for pic, then i was in the middle between my friend and her, so she hug me.So honoured! hahas.. Oh yeah, i just signed up with a company to act in Mediacorp.My sis get to be in Kinship 2, NO FAIR! hahas:P Currently i dont have a role yet, i yearn for one to be with Eelyn, Jesseca, Felicia, Stella and Elvin.They are all really nice people, at least fm what i heard fm the manager of the agency.Hahas.Good luck to all the sec 3 pupils for their 'o'levels! I have made up my mind to join the graduation individual competition thats coming up.I cant wait! But i have stage fright, so a bit hesitant at first lorsh.I hope i wont screw up cause the song is dedicated to all the teachers in faifield like this blog.Wish me luck!:) And for those who dont understand what my name means, probably this conversation of my friend and i will explain it all!:) ★bella,joyce,Huang Meng Hui says: back★bella,joyce,Huang Meng Hui says: is jestellynn ★bella,joyce,Huang Meng Hui says: ur name ★bella,joyce,Huang Meng Hui says: sound like Jess stella ,eelynn jestellynn tavia phyllisia says: yajestellynn tavia phyllisia says: it isjestellynn tavia phyllisia says: jes-tel-lynn jestellynn tavia phyllisia says: it come from jess stella and eelynjestellynn tavia phyllisia says: haha, its true:) you very observant.lols xoxo.jestellynn.outiie
© Copyrighted at 11/07/2007 08:56:00 PM