Friday, January 25, 2008
so glad!
Eelyn add me on facebook!(: happiie! 6C maybe gonna have ice cream outing!
so many things to be glad about!
i love God for making all these things happen..
he realliie understands me the best..
who knew he'll cheer me up this way after feeling a little insecure in my new school?
another gud thing: the R cubed will be gg to IMM on mondae..
dunno whether can make it..haha(: but will try ok didi mei mei?LoL...
Cai Chun Jia's voice is soosososososo nice!
Gloria's voice is so nice too!
my voice feels so inferior..wehh~ haha
okok..needa go organise for the outing..bB!
© Copyrighted at 1/25/2008 05:40:00 PM
Sunday, January 20, 2008
*phew* just came back from my run..i made it a new year resolution to run every that i have tuition i have to wake up earlier than since there nth to do afterwards besides work(if theres alot) i run...i ran 1.6 todae..around there luhh(: so "chuan" now..brought miie doggiie along too..he ran like craziie when we released him into the leash off part of the parkk..he was beaming with joy! (believe me, he did) dad brought miie doggie home first while i sat on the swing..whee~ haha..and surprisingly when i came thru the gate..i actualliie saw my dog break into all smiles! imagine a dog staring at you then suddenly stick out its tongue and freakkiie..lols..but it was cute(: i so love miie doggie! oh yeahh i think i forgot to mention this gud news..or GREAT news..i managed to get into ELDDS! Oniie 15 selected ppl from like 320 are chosen for this in an ecstatic state now..:D ytd i cut eelyn's hairstyle and rebonded it..but i cut more layered than a little thinner than hers..still, hers looks WAY~ nicer..maybe because it looks nicer on her? haha(: 终止anything that eelyn wears or has will look great on her...i cant wait for her fc to be created! i wannah meet her! and tonite the Hong Kong stars like: Charmaine Sheh, Bobby Au Yeung,Myolie Wu, Bosco Wong and some others are gg to be at causeway point..yay! my parents are bringing me there cause its sorta a *once in a lifetime experience* my mom and dad are quite big fans of Bobby..yeahh thats why they wanna go too..i just wanna go cuz the "gai zai" from yummy yummy and charmaine sheh are gg to be there..cant wait..*scweams~!* lols..unfortunately Tavia wont be there..sort of a big dissapointment):
© Copyrighted at 1/20/2008 12:06:00 PM
Saturday, January 19, 2008
如果说 两个人在一起
比一个人孤寂 爱会不会过期
我听说 流言的人会有个面具
那个匿名的 会不会就是你
该迁就 还是一笑而罢
© Copyrighted at 1/19/2008 09:50:00 AM
Friday, January 18, 2008
yo-yo!(: im back and am still lurving Kinship and Eelyn jie! haha(: its fridae! the best dae of de week! can you tell that im extremely high todae?! LoL..seriously todae quite happiie..i love fridaes! anywaes..there was House Party fun!! fm tisa: Uber Fun...<---agreed! yeahh...we got free snacks and de house captain was so funniie and cool...
we ate then we put on de of the house co-ed didnt know then she sat on it so weird and awkward...3 of us laffed...dunno whiie but everyone like veriie high todae ehh...tisa, gloria and ii laffed like craziie at house party...we just stare at each other then turn red and start laffing ler..abit sot sot..haha!im gg to be like so fat! i ate Pertz, drank green tea, ate cheesels and now im eating pie or something veriie hungry luhh(:
oh and ii went to check my eyes..i gained 100 plus ehh..but the doctor said its normal cause i havent change my specs in about 2 years and guess what? he said that tall people will have higher spec degree..i mean if you have myopia luhh..and my chinese so ke lianx lohh.on bi hua wrong then i minus 5 marks! not fair! haha..but thats the way it is ii sec school..i got so much to talk about now!got test next fridae la..then on 1st of feb i have geog test and math test is on 11th febbie..
i missing fairfield..<33333 i love it! all de people there so friendly..cgs also veriie good but all my primariie youth memories are in fairfield..i mean still in fairfield..i betcha that i'll gain alot in sec school too!my pie so nice...tuna and mushroom..mmm!~sweet and crunchy..My school canteen food is quite delicious but abit blend for my tasting...
for those of you who are Kinship fans: On January 26th the cast are going to Causeway point for some sort of thingy..theres games and prizes to be won too! dont missit!(: but i dont think im gg cause eelyn is not gg...i think roughly these are the people who are gg...Chen tian Wen ..Jesseca..HuiFang..Brandon wong, Bryon Wong..i cant remember already i think Chen papa( i dunno his name) is also gg to be there...Brandon Wong is gg to be the host there with someone else..ohh and Chen Mei xin is gonna be there to star on the rock MeiXin!~ haha(:
© Copyrighted at 1/18/2008 10:15:00 PM
Sunday, January 13, 2008

hellos!(: Eelyn And Fellie!
School just started a week ago and Im once again flooded with work! haha,not slacking or anything but we must rest once in awhile right? Im just done with my homework and my head's gonna boom out of my skull alreadiie.I mean first week and im alreadiie flooded in work.Anywaes.thinking on the bright side, I'll be going back to school on wed!(_Chinese New YEar wednesdae_)cant wait! Im missing all my fairfield teachers now.Sigh. This school im in is'nt all that bad and its rather nice but i miss Fairfield so much!
Oh Yeah..Eelyn Kok's fan club is in the making currently as I blog! ♥Love her!♥ God bless her in everything she does! Yeahh. Btw, for my cca in sec school, i chose ELDDS i think it mean English Language Debate Drama Speech.Personally i have no idea what is it.Just guessing, may be wrong.I wanna be in Drama, will build up my self-confidence.Yepps! im done now i have to go..
© Copyrighted at 1/13/2008 11:53:00 AM