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Saturday, February 23, 2008
do you know you're the reason for the teardrops on my guitar? in love with e song now..can u tell? keke~sorry for not posting for so long even though i think no one practically even come to my blog...it looks so deserted.hahaXD anywaes..eelyn hasnt replied her..so she cant confirm e making of e fan club yet..oh well, good things are worth the long wait right?((= on the bright side, my grp won the best acting award! we were filmed..hmm..but i dunno whether the disc is gg to be sold or just for safekeeping..but the director said our grp was e best!(X yay!our grp is called poptarts..and as u can probably see, it revolves around poptarts, and a girl( guess whats her name?) LYNN!! haha...and IM LYNN! hehe..so tired have to study like crazy for test.and this goes on forever! haha..even march holidaes also have test! and some kinda course we nida take..i guess now im, how u can say, totally a crescentian huh..harharXD at least i've made some great friends..u really can share ur probs with them! we're e hyperiians.. i mean some are fm poptarts too..yeahh..some are in neither..let me tell u more abt their peronalities..ok i cant possibly name 40! a few wld do: Lets start with the mother: Joycelyn: Nice, friendly, motherly likeXD can act very well as the shopkeeper! Then, the oldest daughter: Gloria: Sporting, NIce, Humourous, Very sisterly like and she can sing and act very well!, right 1G2riians?;) Jennifer: our da-jie, not really in e family luhh..but she's definitely our da-jie! when we get hurt, she comes to our rescue! haha..she's friendly, nice, sweet and loves cleaning up the classroom! My "twin"sister, Tisa: Happle 88..she's a kai xin guo..loves tennis? i think so hehe..and she''s very sporty! My other sister, Maycia: SHe's my mei mei..always sings with me!MAth geinus..neutral person...understands you. SIster, abigail: aiyah..alot of ppl know who she is..she's Princess abigail! haha(: hmm..shes nice and sweet..loves Maximum RIde( i kena influenced liao) yeps.thats abt it..i cant type already..fingers wanna break..keke.. byebye!(: jestellynn outiie.
© Copyrighted at 2/23/2008 01:54:00 PM
Friday, February 8, 2008
yo! jinsha's songs are so fab! so sad today): last episode of kinship..at least its a good ending!(: i met fel last sat! she was uber nice! haha..got her autograph for my friend's birthday(:she hugged me(: aww...keke~ heard that shuiling went to e asylum yet? but she deserved it..eelyn acted very well! *applauds* she rocks! whoo~ hope that she'll get more roles this year..really love her and her acting.im thinking myself whether i should audition to "officially" get into mediacorp.i know its going to take alot of experience.but i thinkk i should try.and ii met Daphne e singapore idol star(: she was sweet..but ii didnt approach her.she was with a family and sutff(: didnt want to bother her.haiis..but if i audition, i dont think im good enough.im not really what people call a 有天分的小演员。Unlike 徐娇 she's so good! for some of you who dont know who she is, she actually the child actress of CJ7 she was 8 when she acted in it..she 10 now..and she's so great!i really 佩服 ta(: how i wishh i had her talent.being director also not that bad..haha..im too young to think of the jobs i want to have in the futureXD but they always say that the earlier you prepare, the more confident you'll be in the future..and thats what im doing now.hehe.徐娇 even became the god-daughter of Stephen Chow because of her talent for acting..so cool! i hope i'll be able to be a god daughter or god sister of an artiste, it'll be great! haha(: but some wishes just wont come true ya..;) okies. xoxo.jestellynn.outiie
© Copyrighted at 2/08/2008 05:44:00 PM