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Friday, May 30, 2008
today was rather fun:D went to mrs tay's house for lunch.and we chilled there. little awkward for me though.haha. we ate lotsa pizzas and chips. yeah. i dunno what to type liao. all i can say is: THANKS MRS TAY FOR THE LUNCH, AND THE GALS FOR COMING(: and mrs tay bought a new golden retriever. so cuteee!;D oh this is funnyyy!XD: juz wondering, is jestellynn and dorcas eelyn's personal friend? they seemed to know everything ... me? Nooooo..dorcas? yesshhhh;D
© Copyrighted at 5/30/2008 05:40:00 PM
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
okay. today was literally homework and youtube day. was doing homework. then had lunch. my sis was showing me some clips. there was the biggest dance battle on youtube. ACDC vs M&M. okay i was a miley fan before. but i gotta admit..ACDC is much better in dancing. miley...she just doesnt seem that sweet and innocent anymore you know? did math..finished the shinglee exercises. going to finish chinese book report. haha.. whee..! Love Blossoms is in 55mins exactly. cant wait to watch it..my mom says it'll be really nice cause th show's about family affairs. i only like it cause eelyn's gonna be in it! haha..and felicia too(: i cant believe it..when im not in school, time passes slower. like wow.4 days ago i met eelyn. just 4 days..it felt like years..lol..weeks.. im too sian to continue with my story. but as you can see, i've changed my blogskin once again. i always change my blogskins. cause the main reason is that the blogskins will follow my mood. and my mood will follow my fav music. as you can see..my current love is Paint Me In Your Sunshine by Marie' Digby. so everythings very sunny i guess. haha.. ergh.i've still got so much work to do. i've covered one book for eng book review though.. Maximum Ride rocks! haha..i'll try to finish my eng compo by today too. which is literally impossible. but who cares.i should try(: im a shoppaholic. more specifically photoshoppaholic.haha. but i LOVE to shop for clothes too.thats when i get to leave the house of course. currently "shopping" for photoshop brushes. love photoshoping.i got influenced by mokhuiyi liao. haha..i just did one for my handphone..
its the one below..see? its kinda very common.haha(: ![]()
© Copyrighted at 5/28/2008 05:59:00 PM
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
![]() this is a pic of my sis and i: at least this is how we looked when we were younger. my sis' hair flew up. wahahah.. her face was more oval,mine was rounder..ahahah... okay lemme begin the story again. remember: the characters,places,companies and events potrayed in this book are fictitious.Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is strictly coincidental and not intended by the author. that girl. the same one. saw another classmate of hers, waiting. she went up to her..hoping that they could be friends. but just as she was about to walk up to her, the other girl left. once again, leaving her to herself. she couldnt take it any longer. she just wanted to scream out that she doesnt wanna be alone. but even when she screamed, no one could hear her. it was useless. her voice was drowned in the convesations of the others. tears swelled up in her eyes. her heart aching from loneliness. with her face buried in her hands, she quietly left the room.. without anyone noticing her at all..
© Copyrighted at 5/27/2008 08:09:00 AM
Monday, May 26, 2008
im gonna talk about a girl. the characters,places,companies and events potrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is strictly coincidental and not intended by the author. Song lyrics by: Marie' Digby;Miss Invisible i remember vaguely seeing a girl walking in the corridors. her face pale, her eyes puffed. her lips were ashen.her hair cascading down her shoulders. as i tried to catch up with her..she slid away to the shadows.. the next moment i saw her, she was sitted down on the chair.. face in her hands..i caught a glimpse of what was on her lap.. a song sheet.. the ink was still wet..she had just written it.. i saw tears dripping down onto the paper.. i really wanted to go towards her and ask her name.. but just as i was about to do that, she fled towards the door.. the paper that was on her lap dropped down.. like the way you see autumn leaves fall... i know that girl.. she was always smiling.. until 'that' happened.. she never felt the same..after 'that'..her thoughts became clearer.. she could see the world in a wider perspective.. but not in a good way..she knew things that other did not realise.. i walked over to pick up the song sheet which was now soaked by her tears. and it read: Theres a girl Who sits under the bleachers Just another day eating alone And though she smiles There is something just hiding And she cant find a way to relate She just goes unnoticed As the crowd passes by And she'll pretend to be busy When inside she just wants to cry She'll say.. Take a little look at the life of Miss Always Invisible Look a little closer, I really really want you to put yourself in her shoes Take another look at the face of Miss Always Invisible Look a little harder and maybe then you will see why she waits for the day When you'll ask her her name The begining, in the first weeks of class She did everything to try and fit in But the others they couldnt seem to get past all the things that mismatched on the surface And she would close her eyes when they left and she fell down the stairs And the more that they joked And the more that they screamed She retreated to where she is now And she'll sing... Take a little look at the life of Miss Always Invisible Look a little harder I really really want you to put yourself in her shoes Take a little look at the face of Miss Always Invisible Look a little closer and maybe then you will see why she waits for the day that you will ask her...her name And one day just the same as the last Just the days been in counting the time Came a boy that sat under the bleachers just a little bit further behind... okay..that was th story.. now onto normal blogging.. hmm.. there's this weird and funny reason for this weird and funny situtation. you dont get it? well..its for me to know and for you to find out. im not going to mention it. but wth? such a crazy reason... anw..i was like having an afternoon nap.. cause i was watching movies the night before til really late.. then i woke up.. i was about to reach for my handphone.. when it rang.. i was rather cranky then..so i went like,"hello!?!?!?!?!" and then came a voice.."hello, julia ah.." my gosh..that familiar voice.. "this is mrs tay ahh.." whoops..wrong greeting.. luckily she couldnt tell that i was grumpy then.. wahahhaha..
© Copyrighted at 5/26/2008 12:00:00 PM
Sunday, May 25, 2008
seond pos in e day. realise a some leers are missing? my keyboard go prob. so sorry;ry o figues ou wa im wriing. sorry!;D waing e Siuan Earquake sow now.. so sad.. my mommy cry. e mom was really WeiDa to cover er cild wit er body. QingDaJiaBangMang;( convo of rach and i: what i can remember is alot like water.trickling down a page of th most beautiful coloursツ says:WAHHHHH what i can remember is alot like water.trickling down a page of th most beautiful coloursツ says:I UBER HYPER what i can remember is alot like water.trickling down a page of th most beautiful coloursツ says: I SAW EELYN ON TV [a=1][c=#8000FF]`RACHEL! ..you don't say.[/c][/a] says:where? [a=1][c=#8000FF]`RACHEL! ..you don't say.[/c][/a] says:wheeeeeerrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeee what i can remember is alot like water.trickling down a page of th most beautiful coloursツ says:I WAS LIKE..WHERES EELYN ON TV NOWADAYS what i can remember is alot like water.trickling down a page of th most beautiful coloursツ says:THEN SHE APPEAR what i can remember is alot like water.trickling down a page of th most beautiful coloursツ says:WASEHH [a=1][c=#8000FF]`RACHEL! ..you don't say.[/c][/a] says:hahha[a=1] [c=#8000FF]`RACHEL! ..you don't say.[/c][/a] says:OOOOOOOOOOOO.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[a=1] [c=#8000FF]`RACHEL! ..you don't say.[/c][/a] says:its a miracle![a=1] [c=#8000FF]`RACHEL! ..you don't say.[/c][/a] says:O.O
© Copyrighted at 5/25/2008 09:13:00 PM
wah. i was really unlucky ytd. after th event, i went to Kinokuniya. got the Maximum Ride book finally(: then i went to check out the stationary section. found a really cool pen. *bends down to see e pen* chey...not cool at all lor.. *raises head* and you know what? i kok my head onto the glass panel corner.. everyone went like,"omgomg!"(okay not reallyXD) i was like,"owwww....." i was okay..except for the fact that i went unconscious.. haha..jkjk..weird thing was..it wasnt that pain.. more of...itchy? so awkward..everyone was staring at me.. i blushed...really REALLY blushed.. so paiiseh okay!! afte the incident.. i still went shopping for the whole day.. WINDOW-shopping..unfortunately..wahahahah.. its on the news tt GSS has officially started!! yippee!but i didnt really see much discount ytd. everything looked the same to me. no diff at all.same prices..everything! haha..
© Copyrighted at 5/25/2008 12:40:00 PM
Saturday, May 24, 2008
im happy beyond words. so this blogpost will be uber short. thats not the only reason though..im tired tooXD anyways..saw eelyn at NACCP.. unfortunately..couldnt get upclose with her... but look on the bright side.. i went shopping after the event(: for e whole day..so im pretty exhausted now.. go to eelynspiration.proboards107.com to check out the pix i took.. or go to my Facebook accnt.. bye..*yawn*..
© Copyrighted at 5/24/2008 10:25:00 PM
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
okay.. so its 24th may 2008..Ngee Ann City Civic Plaza.. will probably officially be the first place i'll meet eelyn(: haha..its at 3pm.. so sad..eelynspiration might not be going as an fc, cause the admin might not be able to make it.. but i promised that if i can go, i'll *snapsnapsnap*. then..*snapsnapsnap*..and *snapsnapsnap*XD in other words, im gonna take ALOT of pictures.. i'll try..hehe.. 我会尽力的哦!(: then i'll post it on eelynspiration..all the pwetty pix of eelyn.. hahaXD i thougt my daddy's gonna come back from China tonight but changed to fri liao.sad.. haha.. joycelyn so funny...she was all like," i have no inspiration for doing photoshop!" then i was like," then go to eelynspiration!XD" and she was like," wow..you seriously need to go for advertising hor." XD wahhahahaha.. that was so lame..but i really have nth to type.. but i want to make my post as long as possible.. on Facebook now.. pretty nothing much to do...besides blogging that is.. today, im reminded of the warmth, care and concern that my friends have brought to me. because we have to clear our lockers, i had alot of things to bring home. and i didnt have a plastic bag.. but yan min gave me one(: then cause it was very heavy..i ZouLuYiGuaiYiGuaiDe. the jennifer helped me carry my tablet all the way out of the schooL. and she had to actually go back for smth so she walked out for me!(: so sweet(; i wanna say thanks to all those who have been there for me(: haha..btw..this is freakingly accurate..hmm..weird..scaryXD 1月25日,雪灾=天灾 3月14日=藏独=人祸 5月12日,地震=地灾 1+2+5=08 3+1+4=08 5+1+2=08 08年08月08日奥运会 巧合?地震发生那天正好是距08年08月08日奥运会还差88天. 在加这个,真是巧合! 真佩服李白,在唐朝就知道今年奥运,地震了: 北薯苍山兰舟四 京无落霞缀清川 奥年叶落缘分地 运水微漾人却震 前面四个字 =北京奥运 后面四个字 =四川地震 这也是巧合吗? p.s: who knows how to use Adobe Flash to make a website!?(: save me....!!below is a pic of my sis' carebear and i..love the bearbear!(: so cuteXD ![]()
© Copyrighted at 5/21/2008 11:58:00 AM
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
yay!im so happy today! eelyn will be having an event at Ngee Ann City Civic Plaza!(: will be going.!!(hope so) cant wait to meet her in person!!(= though im a little confused 'bout the dates so will be going to buy an 8days to verify. hahaXD and she sent me an email! she said thanks for all my support.. aww.she's so nice and sweet ain't she? she took the time to thank her fans..;') so touched.haha(= elvin,felicia,nat,joanne and some other stars are going to be there too! dont forget to buy an 8days to find out the information! God is soo cool! i didnt manage to go for the last few events of eelyn and marie. so he let me go for this one! yippee!God is lurvved! He the almighty is always loved!
© Copyrighted at 5/20/2008 07:01:00 PM
Monday, May 19, 2008
(before) yay! im up at five thirty. now im waiting to go "in". haha..its opening at 6..5 more mins to go...(: gosh im excited. never seen this before(: and she's in! (after) wow! the show was AMAZING! she looked FANTASTIC! haha.her voice was FABULOUS. everything was PERFECT. except for the part where someone kept mentioning abt fart. gross. and she was all like," Dont think i cant see that.You're just trying to test if i could see, huh?" haha..the person kept going on and on. then someone asked her to marry him. and she agreed.*playfully* wow..she knew that there were people still in pjs watching her show. ME!:*) i requested unfold. and for the Encore, there really was unfold! yipee!love her voice her songs..everything..haha.. i enjoyed it. ahh so sad..my comments couldnt get thru.. so i was like practically commenting to myself. there were quite alot of singaporeans there.. in which, some went crazy tooXD went out with my mom and dog for a walk.. more of a hike actually..at kent ridge park which is within walking distance from my house. must get warmed up for 2.4 again.. i cant believe i actually jogged throughout without walking or stop to take a breath. wow..i was like thinking of going back to the classroom to sing.. so just wanted to get it over and done with.. but still didnt get gold..so must re run.. aiyoh..haha;D this is an interview on stopmpcast tt i didnt manage to post the other day. i guess eelyn's my fav actress because of her character.. the way she just...interacts with others i guess..(: marie's my fav singer also because of her character. i love her "i wont allow you to walk on me" attitude. haha(: and wow..both of them can speak jap!(: sound chao deh..but jap lang supposed to sound deh right?XD i think i should take jap as third lang.. haha(:
© Copyrighted at 5/19/2008 05:46:00 AM
Sunday, May 18, 2008
![]() ![]() ![]() anyways..i took some pictures of my dog..with my hairband on him! and seriously..its a HIM..haha.. he looks so cuteee! im gonna post some pics now... okay..its sorta mean..but hey! he likes it(: he didnt move throughout the "photoshoot" haha.. p.s: i added a Google search box at my Loves columns..cause i love to Google things outXD also,it'll be easier to find other stuff even if you're on my page(:
© Copyrighted at 5/18/2008 09:17:00 PM
im not crazy. just a little insane. literally. im gonna wake up at 5 tmr just to see marie digby perform on DeepRockDrive. crazy? i dont think so..just BIG fanXD its like 5pm there. but...6am here..soo...yeahh..not their fault for holding it so early..wahaha.. but first..i so need to convince my mom to allow me to wake up that early.. oh well..i have an excuse..i'll sleep REALLY early..hope that helps.. haha..sleep around 8-9 maybe? okay..thats freakingly early but... i'll do anything!..lols.. okay..i gotta go prepare what i'll be doing tmr(: cheeries, jestellynn
© Copyrighted at 5/18/2008 12:54:00 PM
Saturday, May 17, 2008
today was very..normal...i guess.. marie is here in my house..sleeping over.. NOT MARIE DIGBY..i wish..hahaXD my sis' friend marie(: we're watching movie.. two weeks' notice and blue crush.. friday night movies..haha.. cool.. ahh..im guessing carissa's secret now.. she's really serious on not telling me.. goshh..i dont even know the answer!.. haha...its not like i'll ever guess... i mean im a crazy guesser..i'll guess stuff thats totally outta point. hmph..she still doesnt wanna tell me.. lols.. wow..now i like stupid for you.such a cute song. i cant believe i used to be lyk that.. gosh...i was so immateur..hahaXD here's th lyrics: It's not everyday That I find a person quite like you Perfect every way I finally found the nerve to confess that it's you - that I want I don't care if I act a fool I would damn near beg for you Put aside, all my pride So don't keep me hanging here Cause this girl is falling stupid for you... Oh, oh stupid for you... The proper thing to do Is for me to act like a lady and wait For you to make the first move But I don't think you're getting the point That it's you - that I want I don't care if I act a fool I would damn near beg for you Put aside, all my pride So don't keep me hanging here Cause this girl is falling stupid for you Oh, oh stupid for you Why's it always feel like I am Chasing love when nothing's there And here I go just making the same mistakes... I've fallen stupid for you... Oh, oh stupid for you... Oh, oh, oh, oh nice..right?(:
© Copyrighted at 5/17/2008 10:33:00 PM
Friday, May 16, 2008
marie digby is on newspaper againXD but this time it isn't really an article. it shows that there is a video of her on Stomp. gosh..so prettypretty..haha.. this was one part of the interview. its not exactly accurate..but.. Question,"Do you think you have an icy look?" Marie," No not really.Unless you mean that im so white that im practically a corpse.No but i dont think im really." Question," Would you be impressed by a Japanese/Irish Dinner?" Marie,"It doesn't sound very appetising but(you know cause)the meat and potatoes thing and then...sushi?so i dunno how he'll make that work.But i'll be very impressed.(if he could make that work)" Question," Whats a song that reminds you of your past?" Marie,"Erm.Probably.Erm.Kiss The Girl by Little Mermaid.I just saw the Little Mermaid in Broadway musical in New York City.And i think i was the only person at the age of about 12 in the audience,crying(giggles)." im just gonna write that..you have to watch the rest by yourselfXD so its a must watch!(: rock on Marie!(: wow.shes really WHITE. i mean pracitcally. whiter than..paper? nah.. ![]() because people keep saying that im eurasian. i am NOT eurasian. i repeat.i am NOT eurasian. haha..i dont even think i look like one. though my mom does.weird. anyways..im so upset! my SA1 marks totally suck.gosh. after studying so much, i still couldn't get the marks i wanted. i guess thats how Sec life is like huh..oh well(: today was quite boring..though i watched the Friday Night Movie, Nature Unleashed:Volcano. it was kinda freaky.but totally cool. im seriously in love with Unfold. haha..i keep changing my fav songs. oh well..my fav singer is Marie.. so i love everything by her.haha. like eelyn..no matter what role she's in she'll always be my fav actress(: Stupid for you is nice too. hehes. okay. gtg.
© Copyrighted at 5/16/2008 09:46:00 PM
Thursday, May 15, 2008
![]() went to gloria's house ytd. so didnt have a time to blog.haha(: we managed to record the singing and make a small video. but we decided to leave the guitar parts til the hols. so her bro or dad will have time to practice or smth. im not sure lor. haha(: wow im so tired. went to glo's house until it was really late then i decided to go home. haha.*yawn*.. gosh..im so in love with Miss Invisible. as in the song. Marie Digby rules!(: Eelyn too! cant wait to watch心花朵朵开. it'll surely be brill with eelyn in it! yipee. i sososo cant wait for the june hols to be here! there are so many things i want to do! haha.. meanwhile. i cant believe i top my class for chinese for mid year! but i hope i will be able to maintain it. im afraid that i'll slack. I WILL NOT!XD anyways.i found an article about Marie ytd in the Live! newspaper. my mom taught me how to scan it. so i uploaded it into the com. and now, im gonna show it to you!(: i learnt from the article that she took only 20 MINUTES to learn the guitar chords for Umbrella.Gosh! thats so amazing. hahaXD wow.i love all her songs! currently i like Unfold. her cover song. at first i was like," hmm..i heard that its nice..is it?" then i just suibian download the song into my phone. after hearing it for a few times. i was like,"hey its not bad!(:" i wasnt talking to myself. i was talking to Glo. if not it would have been so retardedXD oh and it is gonna take a long long time if i upload the video here. so i'll post it on Youtube when i use my tablet. im using another com now(: so check out my Youtube accnt in the future. haha!XD cheeriies! jestellynn
© Copyrighted at 5/15/2008 07:58:00 AM
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
gloria! you totally rock! thanks for helping me make the photoshop pic! its soso prettypretty!(: i only helped with the design. but you made it happen. thanks! now im totally gonna post the vid of us singing Say It Again. i didnt sing well. went outta pitch at certain parts. but will sing better tmr if i get to go to glo's house(: maybe we'll get her bro or dad to play the guitar too! everyone got influenced by Say It Again. because of me! lols..ego.. im so happy! tody for mass run which is like 1.5km, i ran all the way and DID NOT STOP or WALK! BIG improvement!((: enjoy! haha..thankew!
© Copyrighted at 5/13/2008 02:19:00 PM
Monday, May 12, 2008
And chocolate..
© Copyrighted at 5/12/2008 10:56:00 PM
![]() my sis sho mean! she let me eat the hunniie-baked ham. and i was like aww so sweet, nice!(: then you know what she said? oh..i was going to ask you to taste if the ham is spoiled. my gosh!hahaXD she use me as tester la..haha.. hmm.this is just a trial picture. im not really done with the actual pic. i dont know why i feel so gloomy. i guess cause i heard Miss Invisible By Marie Digby. reminded me of what i used to be a i guess. i re-wrote the lyrics to what i used to be. its sorta like a modification of Marie's lyrics so it'll kinda be a little the same. same tune,though theres abit diff here and there here goes: There's a girl Who is always forlorn Just another day hiding herself. Though she's still young There's alota stress inside her That she cant find a way to release. She doesnt tell her friends Cause she doesnt know who to trust She'll pretend to be alright When inside she just wants to cry She'll say Chorus: Take a little look at the life of Miss Always Seems Sensitive Look a little closer, I really really want you to put yourself in her shoes Take a little look at the face of Miss Always Seems Sensitive Look a little harder and maybe then you will know what shes trying to say Cause she's never the same During mid years, while others were studying She would plainly just stare at her book As she knows that she would never score well With whats always happening inside And she would close her eyes and let tears flow Cause she cant understand Why she has to give in Why she has to be where she is now And she'll sing Chorus: Take a little look at the life of Miss Always Seems Sensitive Look a little closer, I really really want you to put yourself in her shoes Take a little look at the face of Miss Always Seems Sensitive Look a little harder and maybe then you know what she's trying to say Cause she's never the same Then one day just the same as the last You'll figure whats on her mind And that day you'll finally realise why there's always tears in her eyes.
© Copyrighted at 5/12/2008 08:19:00 PM
Sunday, May 11, 2008
im so ENVIOUS! im watching people's posts of Marie Digby's appearance at GAP on Youtube.Gosh. i so cannot believe i missed it. this is not being dramatic. this is how i feel right now. so depressed. not really because of the concert, but because lessons are back to normal tmr! ergh. haha.. dont even know what to bring tmr. wow.im like posting twice in the same day. visit this website!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_OJUzRqn1o&feature=related Marie Digby's Say it Again. i think Miss Invisible is nicer. haha..sad sad song.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_g5ZaV7ueAs&feature=related thats the link.enjoy! haha..sure you will! gosh..i feel so into the song whenever she sings. i get the goosebumps! hahaXD its like im crying on the inside everytime i hear it.
© Copyrighted at 5/11/2008 10:00:00 PM
i love this song! gosh i nearly burst into tears while singing! wahaha. these are th lyrics: Theres a girl Who sits under the bleachers Just another day eating alone And though she smiles There is something just hiding And she cant find a way to relate She just goes unnoticed As the crowd passes by And she'll pretend to be busy When inside she just wants to cry She'll say... Chorus Take a little look at the life of Miss Always Invisible Look a little closer, I really really want you to put yourself in her shoes Take another look at the face of Miss Always Invisible Look a little harder and maybe then you will see why she waits for the day When you'll ask her her name The begining, in the first weeks of class She did everything to try and fit in But the others they couldnt seem to get past all the things that mismatched on the surface And she would close her eyes when they left and she fell down the stairs And the more that they joked And the more that they screamed She retreated to where she is now And she'll sing... Chorus Take a little look at the life of Miss Always Invisible Look a little harder I really really want you to put yourself in her shoes Take a little look at the face of Miss Always Invisible Look a little closer and maybe then you will see why she waits for the day that you will ask her...her name And one day just the same as the last Just the days been in counting the time Came a boy that sat under the bleachers just a little bit further behind..
© Copyrighted at 5/11/2008 03:31:00 PM
Saturday, May 10, 2008
my gosh.. i watched the marie digby interview..its so funny.. he wanted to BREAK HER ARM.. gosh..haha..and she was like hey! i dont wanna break my arm!XD gosh..so sad...i could get marie's autograph today! i sorta.cried..hmph..really wanted to get her autograph!
© Copyrighted at 5/10/2008 09:58:00 PM
Friday, May 9, 2008
still feeling upset over ytd.. thanks Foenixir for your piece of news.. i cant go because i have got tuition on that day(of autographing session).. gosh..see? im really unlucky.. oh man.. but from what Gloria said was,"Its probably God's will not for you to go." i guess she's right. i mean if not how come its so coincidental that i cant attend both events? oh well..i cant change God's decision.. anyways, the first event is already over.. it started exactly two hours ago.. boo-hoo.. i wonder if God would do me a favour and cancel tmr's tuition thing?XD haha..jkjk... Mathilda consoled me and said," Dont worry she'll come next time too." Me," yeahh..probably in another decade." Mathilda,"We'll live for another decade then.Then when we see each other next time, we would reunite and go watch the concert together!" XD..she's so funny! those two comments cheered me up a little.. sorta still very disappointed.. dont know when i'll get the chance to ever go see Marié perform again.. once in a lifetime eh.. i think..hehe..maybe twice or thrice..cant be once right.. wow..i love her name..Mar-ee-ay.. sounds so...french? like desiree..Des-sir-ay.. i think all the ays sounds cool. anyways..today our school invited 98.7! it was so fun..! everyone was like bobbing their heads and jumping up and down. maycia and i didnt understand what they were talking about. i was like," huh? what did she say?" she said,"i have like totally NO idea." few minutes later... me," what? what she say?" her," what? huh?" and this continued for the rest of the show! school ended MUCH later than usual. but it was so worth it! was late for dentalXD so pain..they put filling for me and polished my teeth with a powder that smudged my faceXD cause of the small particles of the powder...it sorta hurt cause of the speed of the machine. PUT UR HANDS TOGETHER FOR Marié Digby's Say it Again! i find this video abit dizzy..haha.. the camera man kinda like keep moving the camera when its supposed to be in still motion. but still the same, its nice!!
© Copyrighted at 5/09/2008 09:50:00 PM
Thursday, May 8, 2008
my gosh! crycry* why must this always happen to me?? ahh!once again, im so the last one to know that marie digby has a concert in singapore! and i dont have tickets to go cause i didnt know. sadsad:( why must this always happen to me? haiish..so disappointed.. want to see her LIVE..thats one of my wishes in my wishlist.. now i missed my chance.. again..i dont understand why this always happens to me.. i missed to see eelyn thrice. kinship cast once. and now marie digby? gosh..that sure is unlucky.. if anyone knows how to get tickets to it, pls inform me ASAP! i guess not..its so last min.. and since she has so many fans, i doubt that there would be any tickets left. all i can do is*cry*. *sniff* love her songs! she's so talented! im quite a great fan of hers! i created a mothers' day video with her song. ergh! oh well.i guess i gotta live with it and hope she comes again! which is like probably in other decade yeah.. *sigh*.. God bless everyone.. hope none of you are unluckier than me!XD
© Copyrighted at 5/08/2008 07:49:00 PM
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
![]() hellos. exams are over. i repeat.EXAMS ARE OVER:D feeling so free. im a free gurl!!(: okay..now..planning for June holidays.. where should i go.what should i do. okok..have to make time to revise, for things that i did not understand for the first half of the year. so better enjoy life first. haha...my goodness.. first time in my life i did my chinese paper til the last min. wow.i guess it isnt a good thing. hmm..better speed up on my writing and THINKING. okay..the thinking part..hard to improve..but the writing part.. hehe..they should seriously consider us using computers to type, instead of writing. i mean ALOT of jobs now would allow you to type. rather than write.right? haha..just watched episode 3-4 wow..so cute! the show is so so so funny! im taking up cantonese.. its my dialect..although im not exactly sure how the slang goes:*) okie..needa go enjoy lyfe..byebye!(*:
© Copyrighted at 5/07/2008 07:20:00 PM
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
oh gosh. my blogskin was GaoLuan. whoopsies.i guess i needa do a new one. meanwhile, i'll stick with this one. simple and sweet! p!nk.sidebars personalised by me. nice? lols..i only like the song and the chatbox. the rest are the usual..Links..Profile..History.. yepps. that kinda stuff.. i forgot to save the html for the past skin. so i must start from scratch. sadsad.spent so much time on it. and its gone..all gone! haha..so dramatic..never mind.. hehe(:
© Copyrighted at 5/06/2008 07:10:00 PM
![]() 我好久没有用华语来写blogger post了。 因为难用吗。呵呵. 好开心哦!明天是最后有一天的考试! 我很怕我做得不够好。 但我们应该开开心心地活下去。。 有什么badtimes就应开毫不退缩。 还有,ranice说我现在的新发行很好看! *心花怒放-心花怒放!* 好开心哦!我做了个artthingie. 呵呵。design不会很好看啦。但是有两个美女在里面,所以照片会美很多。 they seriously brighten up the pic! 我知道我的华语很烂,但我已经尽力了okay..>:(( wahahhahaha..野蛮奶奶,这部戏,真好看哦! 妈妈和爸爸rented了part2. 妈妈和我笑得脸都红了。 我post个小怕人同给你们看。 看看如何!XD oh。。还有,我不知道做了什么,部落格的blogskin被我搞乱。所以现在就选这个skin. 还满okay的hor。哈哈。
© Copyrighted at 5/06/2008 01:02:00 PM
Monday, May 5, 2008
wow. i jjust came back from a walk. T-I-R-E-D. hehe..sadsad day..feel like boohoo-ing. geography test, i've got alot of wrong.and i mean A-L-O-T! oh well, i did study like crazy so if i didnt get the marks that i wanted, its probably because dhe paper was hard for me. either that or im just not good at geog. at least hope that i'll get a reasonable passing grade. God bless me(: dhe dream i had last night was so weird. i dreamed that eelyn and rebecca were my SISTERS. gosh.so weird..haha.. then they were under alot of stress.. then rebecca was doubly stressed cause she wanted to continue studying for some kinda degree.. aww..lols..eelyn was needed @ mediacorp for most of time so she couldn't get free time. weird dream huh..kinda funny too..saw them *cry* i think i've watched too many dramas!!(: but i'll continue to watch more!!. anyways..my daddy want to sign me up for the lee wei song school of music. hmm..dunno whether i should go.. i mean i so LOVELOVELOVE singing.. but i dunno anyone there and i dunno if im good enough? aww well, should just go ahead and start from scratch better then not going right.. hehe...cant wait for june holidays! whee..yay! haha..okay..now im gonna post a really cool and strange pic. have ya'll ever seen a BLACK leaf? if its ChaoDa then okay..see before.. it's texture is so smooth and its still kinda glossy!!(:see? ![]()
© Copyrighted at 5/05/2008 11:10:00 AM
Sunday, May 4, 2008
people sure love eelyn!!(: these are the comments on my video. not really on my video though..more on eelyn.heesXD jestellynn (1 month ago) eelyn has a new fc ppl! go to her blog to check it out!~.~ thankkiies! norisibilla (2 months ago) EELYN ROCKS vstarling (3 months ago) sry i am confused by the sun youfu hahas !!!she caught my eyes Man Of The House as Tan Yi Min she is super pretty vstarling (3 months ago) i love eelyn she is one of my favourite actress !!!!! EELYN is better than all e 7 princess she caught my eyes went i watch her in starting you fu EELYN ROCKS !!!!!!!!!! she is damn pretty jestellynn (3 months ago) yepps!(: they misunderstood her i guess..so sad..think on the bright side have ya'll ever thought that if eelyn has fans..its not because they think she's the person in the show if her character is meant to be what you like..its because they like her acting, her character and her unique self not whoever she's supposed to potray..thats e good thing about acting in a not so good role...right? God bless Eelyn and make her successful in her career as alwaes(: starzgal94 (3 months ago) I dun understand why ppl take her as the evil shuiling from kinship..its just a show and if ppl identify her as shuiling it means her acting is GOOD ! She is the one of the prettiest actresses i've seen and she rox ! jestellynn (4 months ago) haha:) yepps! Eelyn rocks! Support her forever okays?:) Kless2008 (4 months ago) i love eelyn she look like Jeanette lehsEelyn ROCKS ! eelyn eelyn eelyn rocks !!! she is my 1 too lols Eelyn is sexy pretty chio tansux1 (4 months ago) i love Eelyn Kok 8spammer7 (5 months ago) luv her larhs she veri cool n she rox lyk siao see? eelyn is L-U-R-V-E-D!!
© Copyrighted at 5/04/2008 04:52:00 PM
Saturday, May 3, 2008
ohmiiegoshh. this song is so touching. i nearly cried after hearing this. hear are the lyrics to the song 火柴天堂 走在寒冷下雪的夜空 卖着火柴温饱我的梦 一步步冰冻 一步步寂寞 人情寒冷冰冻我的手 一包火柴燃烧我的心 寒冷夜里挡不住前行 风刺我的脸 雪割我的口 拖着脚步还能走多久 有谁来买我的火柴 有谁将一根根希望全部点燃 有谁来买我的孤单 有谁来实现我想家的呼唤 每次点燃火柴 微微光芒 看到希望 看到梦想 看见天上的妈妈说话 她说你要勇敢 你要坚强 不要害怕 不要慌张 让你从此不必再流浪 每次点燃火柴 微微光芒 看到希望 看到梦想 看见天上的妈妈说话 她说你要勇敢 你要坚强 不要害怕 不要慌张 让你从此不必再流浪 妈妈牵着你的手回家 睡在温暖花开的天堂
© Copyrighted at 5/03/2008 02:21:00 PM
Friday, May 2, 2008
poor eelyn jie.. shes not feeling too well lately.. hope she gets better! from eelyn's blog: 因为感冒所以拍这场戏时, 鼻涕不由自主的往下流。。。 害得我担心接吻戏的动作之外, 还得频频向助导拿tissue... 天啊,那晚也很担心会把感冒传染给其他的工作人员, 或是得被我‘吻’的那位男同事。。。 poor gurl.. get well soon! God bless(: hope this picture that i created for you will cheer u up a little! ![]() huiwen..u rock!(: anyways, just now watched tv and saw the channel 5 "timetable". then got rebecca lim jumping up and down up and down. so funny her expressionXD then suddenly the last part she flew up.. so random..haha..like superman or smth..harhar..W-E-I-R-D. cant wait for dhe XinHuaDuoDuoKai to BoFang. even though they havent even finished filming..*impatient* guess must be patient luhhs. see if got calafare role to act..hope to watch eelyn act LIVE!(: wonder if i would be lucky this time*wishing on a star* now..i dont know if my daddy is lying or is he for real. dogs seriously have 4 ears?! wow..no wonder my dog gets so alerted at a slight sound. whoa..if i hae 4 ears, i would be listening to music on the DOUBLE! hehe..June holidays!! I love you!! when would you come? pls come faster? im going to plan alot of stuff! really hope that there would be gatherings.. Class gatherings, FC gatherings, Family gatherings and Belle gatherings. will probably be going for lunch with e primary school teachers too. do not..i repeat DO NOT think that way..haha.. crazy alrd..God bless me..im thinking of going back to church sometime. im sorta a church-jumper? i jump churches.longest one lasted in FCBC . until school started flooding us with work. i know we have to make time for God in our daily lives so i pray every night! will put in the effort to make time to go to church. my God is mighty to save(: watching The Truth now.last episode. NOO! shufen died.she cant.she cant. haha..she met her untimely demise i guess.shouldnt have been that way. she was the most innocent of the lot. and yet she was the first to die. she was the youngest at that...haiish.. btw...what is the proper meaning of emo? people keep emo-ing here and emo-ing there.. and im like," okay..yes..yes..okay(:" but seriously..i have no idea what they are talking about. emo=emotions? emo=depression? okay im seriously confused.what IS emo? sounds like elmo. okay..this is getting gayy...harhar..love elmo! he's so cutecutecute! unlike barney..eeyer.. ![]() ![]() ![]() Barney=Purple dinosaur=Not cute. kinda freaky and scary actually.. thought of a purple dinosaur freaks me out. haha.. anyways..soo gotta go study now.. geog..science.. chinese.. byebye(:
© Copyrighted at 5/02/2008 11:42:00 AM