Sunday, July 6, 2008

on our way there.(i look horrible i know)


the red people.haha:))

the colourful people.

the disciplined people.

uniform people.

motorbike people.

Gloria and her friesXD

some design that i thought was really cool.

dancers yeah:))
okay i went to the ndp preview parade yesterday.
and it was fun fun fun!!
haha..there was this awakward part where the prime minister and president-both simulated- came and Gloria was like whoo! yeah! clapclapclap! whoo-hoo!
then everyone around was like there was a funny feeling.
BUT as a good friend(yeah right; haha)i followed suit and started screaming and shouting.
we're super high and crazy.those who know get what i mean wink-wink haha.
the dancers there were really good..(abigail and maycia, yeah i know you're really good too!haha)
okay then the mcs there were adrian pang.jean danker.melody chen.then two others.
so coincidental, jinglin was like 3 rows in front of me!:D with her sis.
but she didnt wanna sit with glo and i even though there were two sits because she didnt want to disturb the people whom she has to cross to get to the considerate yeah?haha.
before that i went to the fairfield funfair.
abigail and maycia went at like 11 plus.then they abandoned me cause my sis pulled me away for awhile.haha.they went to the haunted house but the queue was super long so they didnt go in.
while they were waiting, i was enjoying aircon in the primary school staff room.thank you mrs tay!LOL.she wanted me to stamp dates on the homework for her.but just as i was about to, my sis called up, " JULIA AH! COME PLAY BOWLING WITH PEIWEN AND I!!!" was really loud.even mrs tay heard it so she asked me to go along.
in the end we didnt play either because the queue was long and had to waited for very long.
we played some badminton throw in the bucket thing.
my sis and i totally did SO BADLY! haha.even our 7 year old cousin beat us=.='''
she threw 2 sis and i together only threw 1 in.
which is such a disgrace to our age haha.
then my sis had to tend her shop.
i didnt know where abi and maycia went to.
so i sat down and listened to music.yeah, typical me.
when i finally called them, they were at the running track.
coincidentally, my cousin wanted to eat ice cream so i brought her to mrs tay's stall.and met abi and maycia sitting on the curb.
we didnt do much.abi sold her leftover tickets to me!.
but sadly, they had to leave.
and unfortunately for me, while i was waiting for MISS GLORIA TAN XIAO JIE(haha:D) to come, it began to rain. so we couldnt use much of the tickets when she finally arrived.
left a few.but abi was so nice, she allowed me to sell the tickets back to her.
gloria and i used most of (my own) tickets to EAT!muahahah.
she had 3 otahs.and one packet of fries.i had 2 packets of fried and 1 otah.
nth much left to eat.ahah.then after that, we went around the sec school field to see some of the games.and i convinced gloria to play at the cube station.(rubix cube)
she did it so fast.but they gave us two so much for concentration.
afterthat, we were hungry AGAIN!!:D
and gloria kept whining about wanting to eat candy floss.
so we went around asking people where they got it.
after buying, we realised we were quite late for ndp as we still needed to buy dinner.
so we took a taxi to suntec first which cost me 9 dollars.
gloria went to change while i went to put on socks cause the back of my feet had blisters.owwhh.
bought mcdonalds.fries.double cheeseburger.coke.
then we tried to WALK there but we couldnt find a way there so we took a cab there.
we thought that it was going to cost only about lets say 4 bucks?
but when we told the uncle NDP stadium, he fetched us all the way to Kallang!
then when we realised and told him that it was the NEW ONE,
he went all the way back and tried to get us into the floating platform but ROAD JAM!.
gloria and i were panicking.price going we told the taxi driver to just let us alight there and pay him.and obviously, it was a total waste of money because we like went one whole big round without ending up anywhere and it cost us 10.20 dollars!ergh.
yeah..but we managed to run and get there..
and got our funpacks..watched the show..
then we went
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