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Friday, October 31, 2008
ALL NIGHT LONG! SELENA AND JENNIFER DOING SOME REALLY HORRIBLE SINGING. haha..i love it!XD its totally awesomely hilarious. its so funny when jennifer says OUCH! my ears are bleeding!:) haha.and when selena sang im wrapping this mother up..hahaXD iwaslikeuh?
© Copyrighted at 10/31/2008 06:04:00 PM
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
this is going to be random, but demi lovato is the only disney channel singer that has true talent. she sounds exactly the same as the voice on her CD. i mean, duh they're the same person but the quality is the same! and her band members are seriously cool; here goes!:D
© Copyrighted at 10/29/2008 05:36:00 PM
my LD report, people help! 27th October 2008 Sunny Dear Diary, I have just dealt with a rape case today. My opposition was really good. He made a lot of "strong" points. I have no idea how he could have twisted the storyline of this case to seem as if the culprit was my client's son, Tom. I mean, Tommy's IQ isn't very high. He was not even aware of his surroundings, how could he possibly have raped the victim? According to law, a rapist will have a jail term of not less than eight years, and not more than 20, plus at least 12 strokes of the cane. My opposition was lying his way through the facts, yet he managed not to even bat an eyelid while looking straight into the eye of the jury. I seriously have to do more background work on this case. There are gaps in this case that needs to be plugged. I cannot let my opposition win. The big group of men he is defending are definitely not good people. When they accused Tommy of being the rapist, I just could not believe them. Besides Tommy, they were there at the scene as well. How is it possible that they will be able to get away with it so easily just by accusing Tommy. I will try my best to justify the means and not let the actual culprits have the joy of being let off though they have gone against the law. My fellow colleague, Demi, and I are now going through the points of the case, she's helping me with the jointing of the points such that I will be able to convince the jury of Tommy's innocence. I am so stressed out by the workload, but I believe in helping the innocent and getting those baddies locked up even if it means sacrificing my sleep time. My younger sister has recently taken up the law course, I am so proud of her! She has finally gotten into her dream university, Oxford University. She has been contacting me a lot ever since she has taken up law, through email. She needs help with her most of her projects. I still cannot believe my baby sister has grown up so much! Anyway, I have to go and see what Demi wants from me, she probably found out some really good points. This girl really does know how to read in between the lines. I do hope that I'll be able to fix this case so that Tom's mom will not be so stressed out for her son, and Tom wouldn't have to be so sad everyday, seeing his mom in this state. Julia. how horrible am i.. oh well.
© Copyrighted at 10/29/2008 01:16:00 PM
Monday, October 27, 2008
watched wowp yesterday, and it seriously rocked. rock on, selena! LOL. okay, so i havent even started on my LD project yet.. i have no idea what i want to act as.. im afraid i'll get stage fright.. though i have a slightest idea of what i want to act as.. but it'll be alot of work in making the costume. LAWYER. haha, cause i watched and read quite abit on lawyer stuff. but to act it out? that i'll have to consider. im going out with cindy to catch HSM3. im so nervous. i've never taken the MRT by myself in my whole entire life. i hope i dont get horribly lost. i mean, im a total klutz at this.. i'll probably just end up somewhere in woodlands.. LOL.. okay..enough of demoralising talks.. so, last night i caught the Sunday Night Movie: MindHunters. and it was really really gross.. there was this scene where they hooked a man with stringy hooks.. and he was dangling there, then all of a sudden... he started moving like a puppet.. mechanical works..so scary, then blood was like all over him.. couldnt sleep the whole freaking night man.. kept tossing and turning, sweating.. haha, im not exaggerating.. i guess im naturally a coward..haha.kidding.. anyways, gotta goos.
© Copyrighted at 10/27/2008 11:37:00 AM
Friday, October 24, 2008
wow, i spent so much freaking time on my blog. haha, i shall start my homework tmr. i shouldn't procrastinate anymore.. all the freedom is getting to my head, think of it as a kid being allowed to have his or her turn at a ride.. latte banged his head against the door.. it was so hilarious.. haha:) pitiful dog, the vet said he has behavioural problems.. but he isn't the only one of course, all dogs have it.. but duh, he isn't mad or anything.. he just gets impatient quite easily.. omgosh, LD yesterday was fun. they talked about our star signs, and i'll mix well with aries! haha, like i believe..i was curious so i checked the net, this was one of the points i found.. Leos are: Fun-loving • Honest • Dramatic • Dignified • Theatrical ; thats the good side of it, i shan't share the bad side of it.. kidding! okay, gotta go pratice piano now. byes!
© Copyrighted at 10/24/2008 02:29:00 PM
Thursday, October 23, 2008
ergh, so much homework for school hols.. gosh, are the seriously thinking of murdering us? haha, why so much homework? i mean, whats the use of HOLIDAYS then? when practically most of the time is spent on doing homework at home? i know its a really long long long holiday, but still.. i guess i'll have to deal with it.. to add on, the instructor for the Drama Workshop made us do a minimum of 350 word essay on the character you want to be. i mean hello? im not much of a writer man.. i only scored 18/30 for my compo..and im no idea freak, so its gonna be really hard for me to get through this tough period of time... supposedly, (and yes i mean supposedly), known as the holiday period that all kids drreeaamm of.. well, after this experience...holidays are def a big NONONO! and no, im not crazy, i love freedom; but is being caged up by books and worksheets even considered a holiday? at least theres youtube and msn to save my life... and guitar...and singing... and wizards and hmm..demi's cd.. okay, enough crapping, lets get to the real deal.. i have ALOT of things i consider as saviours in my life, but of course GOD is the most ultimate.. yeah.. anyways, theres a new wizards episode coming out.. october 26 if im not wrong, saving wiztech i suppose? but if thats oct 26 in america, it'll be like 27th here...great, the misery and suspense of waiting for a new show.. LOL:) im trying out Two Worlds Collide by Demi on piano. and i really REALLY suck. no doubt about it..my fingers get all twisted on the keyboard.. (i dont own a piano and i dont learn) but sounds cool by the original player.. guess i gotta work hard..very very hard.. both academically and in recreation.. what am i talking about!?? nvr mind, im just trying to fill this blog with more posts and words as you can probably see.. gotta keep that creative juices flowing before i run out of them; and get stuck on the eng, chi and ld essays.. great, julia, time to get cracking with those papers of doom. like they say, once you start, you'll never stop.. can't stop actually, no time to waste.. yeahhs, gotta goos..
© Copyrighted at 10/23/2008 08:35:00 PM
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
this is going to be really weird. literally. so, i had this dream last night; (and im wondering: why did it have to end?!) here's what its about: Selena and Demi were my best friends. that sentence practically says it all. this is an elaboration: Okay...so demi and selena were having this BIG fight.. i think it was demi against selena and i was defending selena. the fight ended with demi being ditched by all the others against selena..hmm..weird.. she was really mad at me cause selena used to be her best best friend.. and now( after the fight), selena was really close to me. ( I WISH!) but i knew that i would be mean if i were to just let the others ditch demi like that, and having sel and demi hating each other. so, i made them apologise to each other.. i remember vaguely that i told demi, " dont be mad at me okay? i mean, hey, you and selena have been best friends for like 7 years now. me? well less than a year right?" yeah, and hence demi apologised to selena and they made up. funny thing, they made me their best friend too! (after all the tears and sadness) we talked about how we could buy the same stuff and stuff..(lame=.='' haha) so we talked about how we could go overseas next year.. japan! (still wondering why) miracuosly, we ended up in japan in a blink of an eye. so we went shopping there for same stuff.. when we were going to purchase the items, there was this mp4 on sale that the three of us wanted..i think it was like 71 jap bucks.. since this was the period of financial crisis, i went off to find my dad while i told them to wait for me. (STUPID MOVE!) i found my dad, and was going to bring him to the shop. just then, ( i think i became mildly conscious) i remembered that this could be a dream because all these stuff seem to be unrealistic. when i realised, i immediately ran to the shop to try to get to demi and selena again; for their numbers and emails, of course. but sadly, i woke up just when i saw them.. hmm.how sad.. a little blooper: i saw demi's album on one of the shelves that we were buying stuff from. She didnt even notice it!! also, we met the Jonas Brothers. But it didnt last long. haha, so yeah. im still thwacking myself. how couldnt i have gotten their numbers? i guess its God's will:) anyways, God bless Demi and Selena. May you gals be best friends forever!
© Copyrighted at 10/21/2008 06:32:00 AM
Thursday, October 16, 2008
this blog is screwedXD
© Copyrighted at 10/16/2008 06:34:00 AM
this blog is screwedXD
© Copyrighted at 10/16/2008 06:34:00 AM
Sunday, October 5, 2008
i feel sad. yes S-A-D. dont ask me why, cause things happen. and no; im not lovelorn. just sad. things change, weird things. i guess i just have to live with it. so.this week shall be chocolate. i seriously need to cut down on candy. hahas. Trouble with Love Is is like the best song ever. demi's version was way cool. uh-huh. so, i think thats all. just didnt want my blog to die. its going to though. ergh; who really cares man.
© Copyrighted at 10/05/2008 03:59:00 PM