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Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Is it okay to feel this upset? As in seriously, 'til you think you'd go mad? You feel like clutching onto something and not letting go, just so you could slowly ease from the flow. When you feel like you just want to cry, You feel like nothing's worth even if you die. I know it sounds very demoralizing, But thats the cold truth, I do no lying. Too much of this stuff is getting to my head, Its affecting my rhyming, and I'm going red. Why can't life be peaceful, sweet and free? Why can't we be happy to just laugh and glee? I'd die to have my childhood back again, Where there were no suffering and yet too, no pain. I hate to listen to people nagg , But now I, too, am being such a fag. I think I should really stop this now, Before I turn into a freaked out cow . * Pardon me for the bad rhyming , I have no inspiration today . Life's been crap . Really .
© Copyrighted at 7/29/2009 06:37:00 PM
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
I don't believe in harbouring hatred, no, I don't even trust upon that word. She might have done some nasty things, but everyone have had their wrong flings. I'm sorry if you don't agree with me, I really can't possibly beg and plea. We should learn to forgive and forget, even though I know she'd never regret. Don't just be bent on revenge, the thirst of guilt you'd be dying to quench. Why can't we just love our neighbours as ourselves?Why must we hate others, and let it affect our health? Okay, wait that doesn't really rhyme. But seriously, I don't have have anymore time . I also want her to get what she deserves; All I think is that she's not at all worth. God will -bless- her in his own ways. Maybe, just maybe, not at this phase.
© Copyrighted at 7/28/2009 10:48:00 PM
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Hello friend I know its you, the pain and suffering we have gone through. Although it has strained our relationship, I hope that after this our heart won't rip. We were once so close together, now all thats left is ink and a feather. So I want to write this poem for you, that there's always place in this world for two. We have always been one and the same, but then slight differences brought down the game. Our friendship was strong yet tender, hence this misunderstanding made me want to surrender. Then I look back to last september, and all the things made me start to remember. We laughed at jokes that we thought were lame, but they seemed cool; with you I have no shame. What happened to you my dear one? What happened to all that happiness and fun? How can we fix something that's already happened? How could you leave me here with nothing... but a question?
© Copyrighted at 7/22/2009 06:58:00 PM
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Its weird how people take things for granted, when they're all so popular and feel so wanted. But my dear child, why be afraid and scared? Don't you know that I'll always be there with you to chat? I'm not an angel, no, I don't have wings. But unlike them, I actually have feelings. I'm not saying that they're truly bad, maybe bullying to them is just a fad? Together, we shall fight this annoying battle. So in the future they'll be careful to rattle. They don't know we're all beautifully made, So don't really care who they love or hate. Don't give yourself up to this atrociousity, Or else they'll just go and celebrate victoriously. Bullying is game played by two, but the starter will always end up a fool.
© Copyrighted at 7/21/2009 02:35:00 PM
Monday, July 20, 2009
Announcement: DEMI LOVATO : HERE WE GO AGAIN . To all fans of Demi, and friends of mine . We shall wreck the CD shop once Demi's album is released here in Singapore. Anyone ? Please sms me for more details. Let's get it , baby ! Now, who's with me ?! ;D
© Copyrighted at 7/20/2009 06:49:00 AM
Saturday, July 11, 2009
I lOVElOVElOVE JULY ! July 21st, July 22nd, July 28th ! Guess what ?! July 21st, Demi's album comes out !!! July 22nd, Selena's Birthday !!! July 28th, Marie Digby's coming to Singapore !!! I need to calm down right now . Really high . AHHH ;D Julia is going crazy alr, CATCH ME IS AWESOME . You've got me laughing while I sing, You've got me smiling in my sleep.
© Copyrighted at 7/11/2009 01:24:00 PM
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Hello you, Trust In The Lord, No matter where you go, When the pain and suffering you have fought, In your life there'll be no foul. So you're depressed with love, dear friend? Did you click to the wrong phone contact,"Send"? I don't know what happened, what went through. But I'm guessing that it must have been quite hurtful. We'll keep doing what we do, Even if to others it doesn't seem cool. 'Cause all we want is to let Him see, We are doing this just for thee. I'll pull you out when you've gone the wrong way, I won't leave you to stay behind and pay. The torments, yes, they might be unforeseen. But its up to Him to clear our path clean. Now all I'm saying is to trust in the Lord, Fret and undergo pain you shall not. 'Cause He'll be there all the time. Even if you're not in the right state of mind .
© Copyrighted at 7/09/2009 06:44:00 AM
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Hello You . Life's hard, but endure the pain. Love sucked, but you're still sane (: Things have been going quite badly, I know how you feel, but sadly, I don't know whether I can help. Just wanted to let you know;; heartfelt. Sometimes you just gotta let it go, unlock the pain, release your soul. He's with you no matter what you do, so don't keep feeling like such a fool. Everyone is giving you a hard time, and there's hardly any time left to find. But don't worry 'cause I'll be there, even if you think that I'm nowhere. Trust me on this my dear friend, like how my footprints will be in the sand. No matter what you go through, we'll overcome it, me and you .
© Copyrighted at 7/08/2009 05:59:00 PM
Life has been pretty hectic . With PBL this and thats . and tests that are comin' up real soon . anyways , the last episode of 双子星just ended last night . it was one of the best drama series i've seen since 手足. I guess its 'cause the cast are all so strong and stuff . on the bright side, My Buddy (ft. eelyn ! )comes out today night ! (: Be sure to watch .
© Copyrighted at 7/08/2009 06:43:00 AM