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Sunday, September 20, 2009
I find the world such a confusing place, with no more peace, nor loving grace. Something good will always turn out bad, It'll first make you delighted but yet turn out sad. I know people don't like it when I talk like that, But it's my blog, and thats a fact. My mom was right all along, Friends have always been but just but a song. The verses are when you get to know each other, The chorus is the where you start to get further. The bridge is where it all falls apart, Where you get hurt, burned and charred. "Oh quit it", some might say. But this is something that at night, I'd pray, "Dear God, I hope I won't be disturbing you. Don't worry, I'd stand behind the queue. Please listen and help me just this once, Help me get out of this unbreakable trance. Everyone I know is turning away, And I'm starting to lose them day by day. Even those I trusted betrayed me most, Then they leave me alone, to see how it goes. So I pray you'll get me through this, Show me the way to everlasting bliss. Help me O lord, I know you can. So now I end my prayer.--Amen."
© Copyrighted at 9/20/2009 09:42:00 PM
Saturday, September 19, 2009
You were her best friend, but I was her sis. That's the reason, to me whom she'd please. We apologised to you again and again, But you take no notice, our efforts in vain. You say we don't care about how you feel, You don't understand, that's not at all real. We try to talk to you, but you turn and look away. After it's happened so many times, we'd rather not say. You've changed so much, that we can't recognize, The girl that we knew, and trusted our cries. Now the truth's finally surfaced above the facade, We both don't want a conflict, our mouths we'll both shut. You turn around and hurt us , in another way. Not mentioning our names, neither the day. You act like you care when we're down and alone, But you're cheating to us, all the way to your bone. The premonition swept through me, like a chill up my spine, So I'm gonna end this, all in one line . " You're forgiven, but you don't know it ; You want to get even, but we don't give shit. " P.S That IS in one line .
© Copyrighted at 9/19/2009 02:10:00 PM
Friday, September 18, 2009
You darn bloody well know who I'm talking to . I ain't tryin' to hide no nothing . If that's how you see it, its not muh shit, get it? I'm not trying to earn no sympathy nor respect 'ere, lady. If you got nothin' good to say, then shut that traphole of yours. 'Cause its doin' no one no good. You think I don't know that who I'm mentioning will see it? Well, nosiree, you got that all wrong. This is our club, our house. It's how we deal. You don't know no crap about it , so stop thinking ya know everythin'. This is why it'all never works out. You are insolent, and it was after what you jolly well did that made me conclude that. I don't think we should continue giving in to your cold heart. Menacing thoughts about those around you, unspeakable words that you dare say. We can't take it no more. And BTW, that bull you're talking about that we can't solve things out? Well booyah, once again you're wrong. We're like sisters, we tell each other everything. That's how we forgive easily. Unlike you . I ain't no gaining no pity here . But you are, you sure are. You think ya can bring us down? Bring me down, to that matter? Your intimidation is all fragile. Like bare feet on broken glass . Ya try to show off, but get hurt in the end. It's not worth it. So back off if you don't like muh company. It'll get you nowhere tryna break us up or hurt us. 'Cause we're as one. And that jealousy of yours will only tear your world apart. I pray for you. Goodbye .
© Copyrighted at 9/18/2009 11:46:00 PM
Friday, September 4, 2009
You're only there at sporadic instances of time. Yet you left me, when my life's lost its chime . Man, I love rhyming . It's getting me addicted.
© Copyrighted at 9/04/2009 10:59:00 AM
I am weak-willed. I give up too easily. My heart's not fulfilled. My conscience, too measily. I forgive real quick. Even after I'm hurt. Why am I so meek? Ending up in the turd. (LOL, couldn't find a rhyme) You don't understand, the things going on with me. I'm the selfish friend, Not giving out the key. The clues are all over, But you don't realise. When will you get sober? And find out my cries? Ignorance and insensitivity, I've said it before. But you never solved this mystery, You're weren't there when I fall . Now everything's gone bad, You feel its my fault. But things will turn rad, Only if you knew not. I give up again, this time; its real. I can't stand this pain. My screams have turn shrill. You never care about me, No matter how much it shows That I'm blinded to see, All that one knows. Shit, I don't rhyme. Who in the world will care? I'll tell you one time, you're my fears' worst dare .
© Copyrighted at 9/04/2009 10:40:00 AM
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
YES ! Blogger is working :D Of all the secrets I can keep, this one I've gotta say. To prevent my heart from being ripped, I might hurt you this way. I try my best to ignore; the insolence you show, All those whining, screaming and moodswings, It's all killing me you know. I've been there all the while, but you hardly even care. Now I can no longer smile, I can only swear. It's exactly what She's told me, People go for the new. Why am I only able to see, from my own point of view? It's like I'm so near yet so far, But yet you're a world away. I look in you in the eye, But between us, there's nothing to say. All our interests and hobbies have changed oh so much, Sometimes yours sickens me, But I know you'll say who am I to judge ? I guess I'm just that free. But now, I don't really give a damn. Since you're not even sincere, Was our friendship all a scam? Cause now all I see is fear. Things might get better, Or they might turn out worse. When you see this you'll rattle, "Oh crap, why me curse?" Well, You might not find out, Because you're so ignorant. Sure, gimme that annoying pout, But to ignore all this, I've learnt . When you read this you'll think, that my words don't bloody rhyme. But then again you'll blink, And realize that they're all fine. You complain about things you care about, That I already know. But why leave them in careless doubt, When attention you can care to show? This poem is getting really long, But I can't help typing more. Could it be that I am wrong, Cause my heart's now really sore. If I tell you directly, You might get pissed off, So I thought I'd make it snappy, Hopefully these problems will solve. I leave my thoughts in this post, Nowhere else at that. Maybe, it'll help us both, If this confusion wasn't shared. I will do my best to keep it to myself, To prevent you from getting hurt, Sometimes I just can't keep them shelved, So you've gotta be alert. Friends we once were and probably will still be, After all these have passed, We'll get rid of the mimicry. The facades and what not, Will leave us in still wonder, But its the one and only shot, Just don't think; Don't ponder.
© Copyrighted at 9/02/2009 07:56:00 AM